
Colombian Ladies with No Glasses

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Colombian Dating


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No Glasses

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39 Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
Eye wear:
The roar of the sea, and curling and agiganta; the moon, a bird of light, prepare the flight and at the time that the face lifts, gives a kiss to the sea, and goes back to heaven. And the monster indomitable, that breathes tempests, and goes up and down and grows, to feel that a kiss, sighs... and in his jail of rocks... shudders centuries of centuries that, far from the tremble of love in summer nights; she gives its crystal clear reflections, the offers its pearls and corals. With pride are expressed his loves these old lovers afflicted; she tells him, "I love you!" in their flashes, and he responds, "I love you!" in their roars. She aduerme with its pure fire, and the sea, the coos with his eternal cry and tells him his eagerness and his bitterness with a voice that thunders in the infinite. She, pale and sad, she hears and goes up to the space that his light slumps, and watching the face behind the cloud, he hides the grief that to his forehead leans out. Understands that his love is impossible, that the sea the copy on your breast, and convulsive contemplated in the movable glass blue monster that rumbles of thunder. And, as we descend after a cold, yells at the sea: "In your brilliance I hug!" Do not descend as soon, star mia! It stars of my love, stop the step! An instant mitigates my bitterness, since in sidereal thy light I Don't bathe away!... Do you not see your pure image, shine in the blue of my bowels?" And she exclaims, in his crazy delusion: "Everywhere death surrounds me, I can't stop my monster! I pity your poor is dying! My last kiss of passion sent you; my last lampo to your countenance together!" and in the deep darkness of the void, made corpse, collapses to the point. Then, the sea, from one pole to the other pole, to curl its waves mourners, immense, sad, helpless and alone, covered with his sobs the riverbanks. And as we contemplate the luminous traces of the alba moon in the dark veil, tremble, of jealousy and pain, the Astros in the deep solitude of heaven. All calla... the sea sleeps, and not annoying with their savage cries of reproach; and sounds kissing with the moon in the thalamus black of night.
51 Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
Seeking: Male 55 - 80
Eye wear:
I am a woman who has played in front of single life with my daughters, but this has stopped me. I'm full-time sailor, working in a Spanish flag boat, but also a little mechanical work, I am divorce, I have dedicated myself to my daughters all the time, but we are quite grown, I think a little about me. In my spare time I paint and make my own accessories. I consider myself an honest woman, simple, loyal, with good feelings and above all very romantic. Looking for a man who values me for who I am, I want to be happy with me, do not be afraid to love, have a good sense of humor, that makes me a good time, you do not mind that I have two daughters that accepted. I tried to be the best mother of the world and give my daughters the best education, just want to give me the opportunity of a better life with this person next to me, that makes me happy as I would with him. Soy una mujer que le ha tocado en frentar la vida sola con mis hijas, pero esto no me ha detenido. Soy una marinera de tiempo completo, trabajo en un barco de bandera española, pero tambien trabajo un poco la mecanica, soy madre y padre a la vez, me he dedicado a mis hijas todo el tiempo pero ya que estan grandes quiero pensar un poco en mi. En mis tiempos libres me gusta pintar y hacer mis propios accesorios. Me considero una mujer honesta, sencilla, leal, con buenos sentimientos y sobretodo muy amorosa. Busco un hombre que me valore por lo que soy, que quiera ser feliz conmigo, que no le tenga miedo al amor, que tenga buen sentido del humor, que me haga pasar buenos momentos, que no le importe que yo tenga dos hijas que las acepte. he tratado de ser la mejor madre del mundo y darles a mis hijas la mejor educacion, solo quiero darme la oportunidad de una mejor vida con la persona que este a mi lado, que me haga feliz como yo lo haria a él.
42 Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Seeking: Male 30 - 52
Eye wear:
Hello that such. I think they are conducting the affairs of the soul and the feeling to land very materialistic, i find it difficult to understand, that someone would be able to announce, well it is also true that a relationship is another thing. Possibly this section should not be called as well, but we already know as are certain commercial methods of today. In addition what are you going to put one on yourself? What will ask the other? Good as i am engaged in this game i announce what I have doubts if as a detergent, furniture, a car, or a packet of cigarettes? This last is perhaps the most short, don't know if deciding on the? Does my consumption kills¿ truly is very deep and strong i will try with the car. In a few seconds I have a hundred. Well, don't know, I don't know,.. , A little ambiguous, see what it has come out of the detergent. Step through your life without leaving stain, clean and i splendour¿ forgiveness i believe that this slogan is already an institution, sorry, I was wrong. Well now that I have been i will try with the furniture I Am functional, i do not war, or nuisance and caring well, lasted almost the entire life. This is perhaps the most realistic for a man that you purchase. Possibly i will make this even that I may not be as well", but!. . The truth is that the human being has many facets and each one we get from others what with our presence and attitude we emerges that they say! Good bye is a friend, we are going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my sweetie ... Kisses,